online performances

The year 2020 was wrought with changes within the way we make theatre. Like many of us, my work moved to digital platforms. While it let me remain connected to artists and the work, I miss the audiences. Here’s a few pieces that found their homes on digital platforms this year.



Produced by PlayME, a CBC Podcast

Written by Anna Chatterton

Directed by Christine Brubaker

The crowd goes wild as cowgirl Cassidy and her trusty horse Starbright successfully qualify for the Canadian Finals Rodeo in Red Deer Alberta, but first-time jitters make for a disastrous first run. Just as Cassidy considers calling it quits, the rookie pair catch the attention of three cowgirl goddesses who miss the crackle and the hustle of barrel racing. Joyce, Effie and BB have returned to Earth from their skybox above to mix with the mortals. They pledge to teach Cassidy how to cowgirl up.

Queer Calendar project:

Without you

After months of grieving, Andrea’s finally found peace now that her deceased best friend Cassady’s soul has returned to her. Jill, Andrea’s mother, wants Andrea to seek help. Cassady wants to stay forever. Andrea wants to be left alone. A metaphysical audio play that blurs the lines of reality and memory, grief and love. What role does the past play in defining our future?

Playwright: Elena Belyea

Featuring: Caleigh Crow, Nadien Chu, Kiana Wu

Director: Christine Brubaker

Sound Designer/Production Coordinator: Tori Morrison


Henry G20


7th Cousins